A Little About Me

Who am I?

Hi! My name is Radiyah Sabur and I am a full-stack software engineer experienced in Ruby, JavaScript, Java and Python based programming languages with a passion for fashion and travel. I have professional experience building scalable web apps using React.js with TypeScript and Redux-Saga on the frontend, React-Native with TypeScript for iOS apps and Node.js, Express.js with TypeScript and TypeORM or the backend. My curiosity continues to take a driver seat to creating, learning and exploring the ever evolving world of tech.

At a young age, I found that I was always figuring out how to solve problems. The challenge of disassembling appliances to see how they worked was something that excited me. It's no wonder that my initial major in college was mechanical engineering. Although my journey veered me to marketing/pr and aviation, my curiosity never weaned.

My inquisitive nature has taken me on a path of continual learning to explore new cultures and skills. Throughout my 8 years in the aviation industry, I was able to satiate my need to explore cultures foreign to my own around the world.

My ultimate goal is to be in a position to give back by becoming a mentor to young women of color in order to show them that they too can break through and flourish in tech.